Helensburgh Heritage Trust

Helensburgh has a tremendous heritage – famous residents, an interesting history, splendid architecture and a beautiful streets.
Find out more from the Helensburgh Heritage Trust.

Famous Residents
- John Logie Baird – Helensburgh-born inventor of television – and much more!
- Henry Bell – introduced Europe’s first commercial steamship, hotelier, tourism pioneer and first provost of the town.
- Bonar Law – United Kingdom Prime Minister.
Interesting History
- The MacAulays of Ardencaple Castle.
- The Colquhouns of Luss – and the naming of the town.
- Victorian expansion and prosperity – steamships, tourism, and the coming of the railway.
- Faslane – wartime port and nuclear submarines.
Conservation Areas
- Upper Helensburgh – much of the Victorian town.
- The Hill House – Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s masterpiece and its “Box”.
- The Town Centre – even more of the Victorian town.
Location and Streets
- On the Highland Boundary Fault – with earthquakes!
- The Firth of Clyde – commerce and leisure.
- Tree-lined streets – cherry blossom in the Spring.

What the Heritage Trust Does and Has Done
- Public meetings.
- Heritage walks in the town.
- Comprehensive website – with massive photo gallery!
- Books and and DVD.
- Erection of a monument.
- Rescue of items of interest.
The Outdoor Museum
- Award-winning concept in Colquhoun Square.
- Items displayed on plinths – with room for more!
Organisation Details: Helensburgh Heritage Trust, Charity (SCIO) – SC024603. (All images on this page courtesy of Helensburgh Heritage Trust).
Contact: Stewart Noble
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