The Arts Society Lomond & Argyll
TASLA (The Arts Society Lomond & Argyll)
The Arts Society is a leading arts education charity with a global network of over 380 Societies, which bring people together through a shared curiosity for arts and crafts. The Helensburgh branch was formed in 1997.
TASLA holds ten lectures a year, on a wide range of topics, and given by Lecturers who are acknowledged experts in their field. TASLA also organizes study days, visits both in the U.K. and abroad to places such as museums, exhibitions and houses and gardens of architectural and artistic interest.
Lecture Programme
Lectures are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every Month At Victoria Halls, Helensburgh at 10.30am. The current programme is as follows:
14th February 2023 – How to Criticise the Arts, Mark Fisher
14th March 2023 – Unravelling the Silk Road-Wool, Silk and Cotton Textiles in Central Asia, Chris Alexander: Traveller, Lecturer and Author
18th April 2023 – Rubens-Artist/Diplomat of the Thirty Years War, Matthew Wilson: History of Art Teacher and Freelance Writer
9th May 2023 – Chinese Paintings fron the Tang to the Qing Dynasty, Oliver Gosling: Painter and Lecturer
13th June 2023 – Cash for Coronets: An Architectural Legacy, Mark Meredith: History Writer and Speaker

Membership costs £50 per annum for an individual, and benefits include:
• A Programme card for the year
• Illustrated Flyer describing the Lectures
• Ongoing Notification of Society Events
• Free attendance at all 10 lectures(held every month except July and August)
• Opportunities to – attend Study Days (usually one per year) – take part in Visits(usually two per year) – join in externally organised Tours
• Receive copies of The Arts Society Review Review, the Magazine of the Association, 3 times a year
• Opportunity to take part in any of the Volunteering Activities
• Opportunity to bring Guests to a Lecture. (Fee is £10 per guest).
To find out more about applying for Membership, visit the website https://www.tasla.org.uk/