Helensburgh Festive Lighting Charitable Trust
Helensburgh Christmas Lights are spectacular, the “Best in the West” and turn Helensburgh in to a magical Christmas Town from November to January each year.
The Helensburgh Festive Lighting Charitable Trust volunteers, known as the “Helensburgh Elves” work for Santa and light up the town with one hundred and sixty festive lights, sixteen sparkling trees and a magnificent Christmas tree in the square.

In 2025 Helensburgh will become a Christmas Town again when the Christmas Lights are switched on 22nd November. Visitors and residents will be welcomed in Colquhoun Square, Helensburgh, for a family fun day and children of all ages can cheer for Santa as he pressed the magic button to begin the Christmas season in Helensburgh.

Family rides will be running all day plus all day street food in the Food Village, and entertainment on the stage before Santa makes his grand entrance.
The lights stay on into January – please do enjoy them. The Helensburgh Festive Lighting Charitable Trust volunteer elves rely on donations to fund their work and they would be really pleased if you could donate to the annual cost of their activities: https://www.helensburghfestivelighting.com/sponsor/