HELLO Adventure

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Make Helensburgh & Lomond the gateway to your Argyll adventure!

Only 45 minutes by train from Glasgow, and within easy reach of both the west coast and central belt of Scotland, Helensburgh & Lomond is the ideal location for an outdoor adventure. Walking, hiking, munro-bagging, gorge-walking, cycling, mountain-biking, e-biking, wild swimming, kayaking, paddleboarding, windsurfing, sailing, wakeboarding, golf, horse-riding, off-road driving, a self-guided road-trip – all these activities and more are on our doorstep!

Get outdoors on one of these great new short adventures developed by the John Muir Way team! Cycle the Glen Fruin Loop, follow the JMW bike route from Helensburgh to Balloch, or take a walk on the Highlandman’s Hike or the Ben Bowie Loop. Route maps are available to download for all routes.

And don’t forget our other local routes: John Muir Way, Three Lochs Way, Argyll Sea Kayak Trail and Clyde Sea Lochs Trail.

Find out more about local watersports, munro-bagging, cycling and mountain biking, and browse our blog posts for more ideas.

John Muir Way Mountain Bike Ben Bouie, image by Gavin Morton, Green Action Trust
Image credit: Gavin Morton, Green Action Trust

Adventure Events

There are lots of local adventure events, and details will appear on our calendar below as they become available. Annual events usually include:

JANUARYRhu New Year’s Day SwimAPRILThe Cobbler Hill Race / Beinn Dubh Hill RaceJULYLuss Highland Games / WOD on the Loch / Helensburgh Sportive Cycle Race / Loch Lomond Beastie Triathlons
FEBRUARYArdgartan Trail RaceMAYBabcock Helensburgh 10K / Loch Long Adventure ChallengeAUGUST
MARCHJUNEHelensburgh & Lomond Highland Games / Cove & Kilcreggan 10K / Run Loch LomondSEPTEMBERArrochar 10K / Hel ‘n’ Back / 3 Lochs Ultra / Go Swim Loch Lomond



Current Month


27mar19:0021:00Helensburgh Community Council MeetingHelensburgh


05apr12:00The Cobbler Hill RaceArrochar

23apr19:00Beinn Dubh Hill RaceLuss

24apr19:0021:00Helensburgh Community Council MeetingHelensburgh

25aprAll Day28Scottish Ramblers GatheringRhu


29may19:0021:00Helensburgh Community Council MeetingHelensburgh

29may19:30Babcock Helensburgh 10KHelensburgh


07junAll DayHelensburgh & Lomond Highland GamesHelensburgh

21junAll DayRun Loch LomondBalloch

26jun19:0021:00Helensburgh Community Council MeetingHelensburgh


05julAll DayLuss Highland GatheringLuss


07sep12:00Cove & Kilcreggan 10k Run or WalkCove

18sepAll Day22CowalFestCowal Peninsula

Watch Me See

Kathi cycling on Loch Lomond, photo by Kathi Kamleitner
Kathi cycling on Loch Lomond, photo by Kathi Kamleitner

Travel Blogger and Podcaster Kathi Kamleitner, Watch Me See, came to have a taste of adventure in February 2022. Kathi had an action-packed visit, taking part in activities including hiking, guided by John Urquhart of Loch Lomond Guides, an e-bike cycle trip with Loch Lomond Leisure, and gorge-walking with In Your Element, also finding time for some wellbeing and relaxation. She travelled sustainably, using the West Highland Line to help explore the area, and stayed in Helensburgh B&B Balmillig, a self-catering apartment at Arrochar Alps Retreat, and also enjoyed a luxury experience at Lodge on Loch Lomond.

You can read about all the trip and all the other activities she took part in at the blog on her website or at her Facebook Page – this might give you some ideas for adventures in Helensburgh and Lomond! You can also follow Kathi on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Loch Lomond Guides John Urquhart, photo by Kathi Kamleitner
Loch Lomond Guides John Urquhart, photo by Kathi Kamleitner
Salad at Park Pavillion, Helensburgh, photo by Kathi Kamleitner
Takeaway Salad from Park Pavilion, Helensburgh, photo by Kathi Kamleitner
Canyoning at Glen Luss, photo by Kathi Kamleitner
Canyoning at Glen Luss, photo by Kathi Kamleitner

Adventure Activities

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